Hey future penpal!
Are you ready to exchange some emails?
Are you tired of the endless templated emails filling up your inbox?
Do you long for the days when you'd get the kind of mail through your letterbox that filled you with joy?
Are you done clogging up your inbox with another freebie you don't really want because you just want to get to the emails?
Well, it’s a bloody good job you found your way here then!
You might have heard a thing or two about my mailing list…
➡️ That I send three emails a week (yep!).
➡️ That they’re short, colourful and fun to read (so I’ve been told!).
➡️ And that they’re a lot of people’s favourite thing to find in their inbox for three days of the week (aw shucks, lovely people!).
Look, it’s like this… I know how crowded your inbox can get. If it’s anything like mine, the endless emails can get pretty exhausting. I’m incredibly mindful that your inbox is your personal space and I count myself privileged to have been invited into it. Like, seriously, thank you! That’s why I make it my mission to only send you emails that you actually want to read. Yes, there are three emails a week, but I promise they’re really quite good. Why not give them a try? (You can always unsubscribe if they’re not for you, I won’t be offended!)
Here are just a few of the lovely replies I’ve had 👇🏻