Clocks and commuter trains dictate your life
Meetings in bored-rooms, then home to the wife
Budgets and payments balance on the knife
Welcome to your two point four adult life
The kids scream for more when there’s just no cash
Sunday you’re part of the great trolley dash
So wonder when life became one bad hash
Welcome to this two point four adult crash
Look for some comfort from all that you are
Fucking some girl in your family car
It’s pretty damn clear you’ve not come that far
Welcome to your two point four…
two point four…
So is this the life you dreamt for yourself? The “safe, reliable job”, the 2 litre, the 4 bed semi in a respectable middle class street? The doting wife, adoring children, faithful labrador?
Practicality, sensibility, responsibility?
So shut up your mouth and don’t dare complain
Passed caring for an unwashable stain
Bed bound you writhe with a new phantom pain
Welcome to this two point four adult chain