How Branding Photography Is More Than A Headshot

branding | photography

Look, it needs to be said. Because there’s still an assumption that branding photography is only a couple of headshots, and it’s about time that kind of thinking changed! I’m often asked by people enquiring about my services why it is I charge what I do for a “couple of headshots”. And so I spend a lot of time educating clients about brand, your business and having good, consistent images to promote your business online. Here it is folks… here’s how branding photography is more than a headshot. Hold on to your hats!

branding photography is more than just a headshot

Show Who You Are

Yes, a branding photography session will always include at least one headshot. The best way to show someone who you are is to show them a photograph of you, right? So I’ll never say no to take some headshot photos during a branding session. For one thing, great quality headshots of you looking straight down the camera shows confidence. They also create a connection with potential clients seeing you on your website or social media for the first time. And that excellent quality also spells professionalism. It shows people you’re serious about your business and, in turn, you’re serious about working with them. I know I’m much more likely to book someone who’s spent time getting pro-quality photographs inline with their brand than someone who threw up a blurry phone selfie!

branding photography more than just a headshot
beautician applies lashes to a client

Show What You Do

What you do is a massive part of your business, so showing that to potential clients, especially when you’re a small business owner, is super important. Are you a maker? A creative? A one-woman powerhouse? Let people see that! 

Having images showing what you do allows people a peek behind the scenes, it lifts the curtain a little for people to look inside. And that builds trust, friends. And trust brings clients.

Show Your Brand

Think about your brand values, your branding, your colours and share that in your photos. Through flat lays with branded materials, props in colours that match your branding and so on. You’re also looking to create a stock library of images here to share on your social media because no one needs to be seeing a brand new headshot of you every single day! 

Show Consistency

Consistency is vital when it comes to branding. If your photographs have been captured at different times, in different lighting setups on a mobile phone, the chances are each picture is going to look glaringly different from the last one. By having a full branding shoot, you’ll have a collection of photographs all taken and produced in the same session (you can change your clothes to make it look like they were taken at different times!). And your photographer will also make sure they’re edited consistently so they’ll look fabulous all laid out on your Instagram grid.

So, no more saying it’s just a headshot, okay? I’ll be introducing new branding shoot packages in October, but if you’d like to take advantage of the current prices, you should get in touch today!