Ok, now that was a weird year for reading, and it didn’t quite go the way I expected. If you read my book review posts, the one I wrote last year was all about my self-imposed book buying ban. Well, on January 1, 2024, the book buying ban was lifted! And do you know...
2023 Book Review (The Year of the Book Buying Ban)
Sometime in 2022 I had a moment with Notion and decided to catalogue all the books I had waiting to read. For context, we have a spare bedroom that is now called the “reading room” because all it has in there right now is one very comfy armchair and a couple of...
2020 Reading Review
I was so thrilled to hit my goal of reading 15 books last year so I upped the number to 20 this time around. 20 books for 2020 has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it? I’m writing this post at the end of November and, as of this point, I’m at 18 out of 20 books for the...
2019 reading review
I’ve always loved to read. For a while, I stopped reading but I've slowly been getting back into it again over the last couple of years and keeping track of what I’m reading. This year, for the first time in a while, I’ve achieved the number of books I wanted to read...