Making Your Workspace Part of Your Branding Shoot

branding | photography

There are a lot of reasons why people book a branding shoot for their business. Perhaps you want to get some great quality images to show clients who you are and what you look like. If you’re a maker, showing them what you do helps to build a connection to your products. For some business owners, though, showing people where they work is as important. If you’ve got a space where clients come and see you, it’s great to be able to share that with them. Especially if it complements your brand in its style and feel! Making your workspace part of your branding shoot is a great decision. I adore being able to capture little details that you might have forgotten about. Plus, getting to nosy around someone’s workspace is a particular love of mine!

woman sitting in her studio working branding photography

Behind the scenes in your workspace

Allowing your clients (and potential clients) access to view what goes on behind the scenes is a great way to build trust with them. People are much more likely to buy from you, or book your services, if they feel they know you, like who you are and trust that you know what you’re doing.

A person’s workspace shows more about them than they could ever mention in a social media post or when someone visits their website for the first time. If you come and have a look around my office, you’ll see I’ve got a penchant for all things heart-shaped (anatomical!) and my love of both photography and writing is clear in the books lining my shelves and the art and other items adorning my walls.

These are the things people spot that you, yourself, might not even notice or think to point out. They’re integral to who you are. You might not see them as unique or interesting because you’re surrounded by them every day. But you can be sure other people will notice!

branding shoot workspace

details in a workspace

tools and items in a workspace

details and branding in a workspace branding shoot

little details workspace

showing a shop floor

a busy shop floor and shelving branding shoot

work station workspace branding shoot

making soap in a workspace branding shoot

microphone and computer in workspace

Sharing your business and brand story

We, humans, are all natural-born storytellers. We do it every day of our lives, without even realising it. Storytelling as part of your business and brand is a huge part of developing that relationship with your customers and clients. It feeds into that ‘know, like and trust’ system that’s so important for small businesses. Frankly, sharing your business story goes to show it has a life and personality of its own. It’s not some faceless, voiceless corporation.

I’m sure I’m not the only one who would rather purchase a product from a business that I knew a little about. And I’d much sooner book a service with someone who I gel with as a person. Even the bigger companies are realising this is a fact of business now. You’re likely to hear much more about their business story than you would have in years past.

Having a branding shoot in your workspace all feeds into that storytelling space. Especially if your space is on-brand with the rest of your business. If you’re anything like me, you’ll love to put up things that mean something to you.

headshot in sound booth workspace branding shoot

showing what you do in a workspace branding shoot

office meeting in workspace branding shoot

getting to work in workspace branding shoot

florists working on shop floor workspace branding shoot

making in studio workspace branding shoot

So, how can you show your business through a branding shoot?

The simplest answer is to book a branding shoot in your workspace. Or, at least, have part of the shoot there. Every part of your branding shoot should reflect your brand and location is a part of that but is often overlooked.

If you’re a maker, your workspace might be a studio or workshop where you make your products. Truthfully, there’s rarely anything pretty about a workspace full of materials. But think about having a shoot with you working in your space, making your products. People want to see that stuff, no matter how pretty (or not) the backdrop looks!

When the shoot is over, sharing those images along with your stories will go a long way to drawing new interest to your business.

If you’d like to book a branding shoot, I’m taking bookings now. Have a look at my branding packages and get in touch to find out more!