Who’s behind the camera?

personal | photography | portraits
photographer stands on bench taking photo of woman

With mirth and laughter let old wrinkles come.

– William Shakespeare

man attempting to run out of shot after throwing brides veil up in the air

Who knew being a photographer would involve more than just capturing beautiful images, working with amazing couples and families and shooting at some spectacular locations?

I’ve been going through the process of archiving all of last year’s work today and, while I was sifting through hundreds of files, I came across a bunch of images I’d been saving from various shoots all entitled “Outtakes”.

Well, hey, I’m all up for a bit of a laugh I’m not afraid of poking a bit of fun at myself (or my awesome assistants!). So here’s a few from the collection that made me smile…

man holds brides bouquets and smiles for camera

man wears woman's hat and carries woman's handbag

man holding beer and bouquet and wearing a cape which has fallen over his face

My husband, Stuart used to second-shoot for me and he would invariably get asked to hold many things through the course of a wedding day. He was very good at it. This particular wedding day was a favourite as he was holding Beth’s beautiful bouquet and Matt’s beer when I asked him to also hold Beth’s cape. With no free hands available, the cape was placed over his shoulders and I got him to duck around the corner while I got some shots of our couple. Suddenly we heard a bang followed by a forlorn voice, “Err, guys, a little help here please?” We came round the corner to find the cape had fallen over Stu’s face and he couldn’t see a thing and didn’t dare move! I took this image on Matt’s prompting before we rescued him 😉

Photographer pretends to cut the cake

As the evening arrives, so too does the darkness and so out come things like flashes which involves a bit of setting up and light testing. If there’s a cake nearby, then we will invariably pretend to cut the cake (and try not to drool on it in the process!). And Stu has taken to standing on the dance floor with his eyes shut as he moans about me blinding him with the flash…

woman helps bride get ready for a shot in the snow

photographer poses for camera

photographer stands on bench taking photo of woman

Photographer kneels on wall taking photograph of couple

And then, yes, there’s me, getting myself into all sorts of places and positions to capture the images. What you can’t see, on that last shot, is the drop down to the Thames behind me. Or the ungainly way I clambered up onto the wall in the first place! Hence the messy hair and the sole reason I wear leggings to nearly all my shoots! 🙂